Wednesday, March 2, 2011

DIY: How to build a miniature plane. ( part 2 )

Lets continue where we left from. Before we continue let me clarify that this miniature model is just a prototype that i am working on. I was unable to get the components needed to power the plane. There is currently no battery that is powerful and tiny enough to fit into this miniature plane.

Step 5.

Make sure the propeller and the engine fit nicely in the chassis. Ensure you have two identical set of the propeller, engines and propeller.

Step 6.
Solder a short length of wire to the engine. After soldering the wire, test it on a battery to make sure that the engine still runs smoothly. Poke two tiny holes at the sides of the chassis and slowly run the length of the wire out from chassis. After that seal the side bottom side of the chassis with another small strip of balsa wood. Below you can see the two chassis completed with wirings .

Step 7.
This is the final step. You will need to build wings and the cockpit chassis. Once you have complete building all the required parts, you will need to glue it together. This should be the most difficult steps and you should be very patient. Too bad i did not manage to get this plane to fly. It would be great to see this miniature plane zooming around.

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